Shorebirds represent important species diversity and are indicators of environmental health.
Wetland sites across the Intermountain West are oases for migratory shorebirds. A comprehensive shorebird survey was last completed across the region in 1989-1995, but much has changed in the past 30 years. This Shorebird Survey is replicating the census of the past so we can better manage shorebirds into the future.
The shorebird survey objectives are:
Document the distribution and abundance of shorebirds at over 200 survey areas during the spring and fall migrations from 2022-2026.
Use survey data to compare distribution and abundance with the historical shorebird survey from 1989-1995.
Identify factors that influence abundance of shorebirds.
We are recruiting volunteers to survey at wetland sites across the West. Join us and be a part of the collective impact!